Three new affordable housing projects will be built in Middle Sackville, Cole Harbour, and Bridgewater. The projects fall under under the province’s Land for Housing Program.

Twila Grosse, Minister of African Nova Scotian Affairs and MLA for Preston, made the announcement in Cole Harbour on Monday, on behalf of Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister John Lohr.

According to a press release on Monday, the affordable housing projects are:

  • 2.5 hectares on Sherwood Street, Cole Harbour (PID 40606345 in the province’s land registry), with Metro Premier Properties Inc.
  • 3.6 hectares on Larrigan Drive, Middle Sackville (PID 40634735), with Millwood Developments
  • 3.03 hectares on Aberdeen Road, Bridgewater (PID 60047693), with ARC Developments.

The Examiner contacted the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing to find out what kind of housing will be built on these properties, if that housing will be rentals, and how much rents will be.

In an email, department spokesperson Heather Fairbairn said it’s too early to provide more details.

“Proposed projects are in the very early pre-development and design phase. Developers will need to work through the municipal planning process on the details,” Fairbairn wrote.

“As part of the conditional agreement, developers must agree that a certain percentage of the units will be affordable at or below 80% of average market rent for a predetermined period.”

The news release said land for housing projects have also been approved for properties in Antigonish, New Minas, and Dartmouth.

Earlier this month, the province announced it was spending $2 million to support the development of Black-led housing projects.

In September, the province announced it was building 200 public housing units in Bridgewater, Kentville, Truro, Cape Breton, and HRM.

Suzanne Rent is a writer, editor, and researcher. You can follow her on Twitter @Suzanne_Rent and on Mastodon

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  1. At or below 80% of the market rate seems … just kind of ok? That doesn’t seem like an agressive target for affordable. We do need units in the low to moderate end but this seems like ‘kind of affordable’ housing. Should ‘kind of affordable’ be the goal with government money involved?