Abad Khan

On this week’s episode we speak with editor and former provincial NDP candidate Abad Khan about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to Halifax this week. Why was the municipal government involved – and how much did it cost City Hall? Would there have been this level of involvement if Mayor Mike Savage wasn’t a former Liberal MP?

Also at the town hall-styled event was NSCC journalism instructor Erin Moore. After she tweeted a photo of her and her son waiting to get in, Ezra Levant used the photo to prove how mainstream media are in the Liberals’ back pockets. Or some such nonsense. I mean, it’s Ezra, right?

Erin Moore

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  1. Well, you don’t have to like Trudeau, but the man is the prime minister. If he shows up, it makes sense to make the visit memorable because you may want to use the opportunity to hit him up for some regional development money. Business is business.