Lewis Rendell with Rhiannon Makohoniuk
Lewis Rendell with Rhiannon Makohoniuk

This week we speak with Rhiannon Makohoniuk, the Dalhousie Student Union’s Vice-President Internal, about the university’s decision not to fully fund the nascent Sexual Assault Hotline. The university claims that, based on a report they won’t release to the public, the partial funding they offered was adequate. But who needs safe students when you can send billionaires to Boston? (Okay, technically it’s Cambridge.)

Also, we speak with newly-elected MLA for Halifax-Needham, Lisa Roberts about her solid victory in this week’s by-election. And the Halifax Typographical Union is claiming that the Chronicle Herald is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to spy on their striking workers.

Finally, Sobeys? Yeah, still kinda being dicks.

Halifax Examiner contributor Lewis Rendell co-hosts.

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  1. A small correction. At the end of the interview with Lisa Roberts, Russell says that a by-election winner doesn’t have to contest the next general election, so Lisa will be the MLA for at least the next four years. That’s not correct. In a general election, all seats are contested.

      1. Yeah, I just listened to the podcast this morning and my head spun at that one. I was pretty sure the rules hadn’t changed. Otherwise nice interview though.