Catherine Tully
Catherine Tully

In her first year on the job, Nova Scotia’s Information and Privacy Commissioner Catherine Tully has made some remarkable progress in addressing the nearly decade-long backlog of Freedom of Information requests. Still, she acknowledges there’s a long way to go.

Also, Halifax Transit chief Eddie Robar resigns for greener pastures in Edmonton, Fort Needham Park gets a facelift just in time for the Sobeys™ Halifax Explosion Party and Halifax finally stands up to billionaire CFAs and all their filthy money.

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  1. Russell, what’s this “Sobey Halifax Explosion Party”? Have we sold our history to big business along with all our public buildings? What’s next – BEEMO HRM?

    1. Halifax is finally getting serious about ‘branding’ its most valuable commodity: history. Sloan is being commissioned to pen the Explosion Anthem, hipsters will be getting the Explosion logo tattooed on their forearms, and McDonald’s will be rolling out its limited-edition ‘Boom Burger’ next spring.